Parrish Delivery Services

Warehousing and Distribution

Can your company provide orders, arrangements, and customer communications, but does it lack the capability to store and then move out your items? Do you want to increase your market presence and profitability by targeting markets beyond your own physical location and capabilities?

With more than 25,000 square feet of available warehouse, Parrish Delivery Services is experienced with third-party warehousing and freight services for inventory management, fulfillment, and general storage, giving you the additional capabilities needed to expand your company’s reach.

Want to more fully utilize the time spent by your service technicians?

PDS can deliver necessary, often unanticipated, parts while your service technician is working. Jobs can then be completed more quickly, often in the same day. Your customer can experience greater satisfaction with your work, and your tech can move more quickly and lucratively to the next project.

We also complete dock-to-dock and lift-gate door-to-door deliveries seamlessly.
