Parrish Delivery Services

Frequently Asked Questions

Most of your questions will be answered by reviewing our website. Below are some typical questions:

Q. Which geographic areas do you serve?

A. Parrish Delivery Services delivers throughout all of Arkansas, nationwide, and especially around the Little Rock Metroplex. Our 25,000 square-foot warehouse accommodates mailing, distribution, and warehousing.

Q. Is my company too small/large for your services?

A. Parrish Delivery Services serves small, medium, and large businesses, plus individuals.

Q. Who are your couriers?

A. Parrish Delivery Services employees (about 50 in total) include our couriers, who must pass a background check, are bonded, licensed, and insured. Visually, they can be identified by the PDS logo on their shirts and/or official PDS badge.

Q. Do you have a time window for collections/deliveries?

A. Our typical delivery time window is within an hour.

Q. How do you track deliveries?

A. Parrish Delivery Services’ command station communicates with our couriers via cellular technology, so we can always determine the location of your delivery.

Q. What do you do if a specific, authorized individual is not available to sign along the chain of custody?

A. We only deliver to authorized individuals and businesses. If a change should occur, we can accommodate if our dispatch is informed and proper procedures are followed that ensure compliance.

Q. Can we change our delivery directions once the process has been set?

A. Yes, we are flexible. We can also accommodate last-minute time or location changes. You would simply work with our dispatch manager.

We stand behind our work, plain and simple.
